miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2015

Citizen Power: Justice RD has been converted into market buying and selling decisions

Poder Ciudadano T6
Citizen Power considers it urgent collective sanitize and transform the Dominican justice system, "become a market for buying and selling decisions, as evidenced by recent cases of corruption involving judges and other members of the judiciary."
"To clean up the justice system should start dismissing members of the high courts of justice sponsor impunity. This collapse of the judicial system the complicity of the Public Ministry and the Attorney General of the Republic refused to appeal in the case involving Senator Felix Bautista own becomes clear ", he criticized the collective.
Referring to the corruption scandal in the Office of Supervising Engineers of State (OISOE), Poder Ciudadano demanded that the former director of that entity, Miguel Pimentel Kareh, is also included in the file, "then mysteriously it does not figure between those responsible for corruption cases that occurred under his management and that led to the suicide of architect David Rodriguez. "
He said that to end impunity should give effect to the bringing to justice of all corruption cases, regardless of the political, business or social status that holds.
"The place of the thieves is jail and resources stolen from the people must be repaid to public property", they stressed in a press release.
Similarly, they demanded to be audited and investigate all public contracts in question as the Brazilian company Odebrecht, the electrical sectors, mining and privatized companies without transparency processes.
Danilo should explain. Said citizen power is the President Danilo Medina and his government which is responsible for explaining to the people who elected them, why keep open an office that duplicates the functions of a ministry or why allow police officers who attempt to mistreat protest outside the office for the next year will receive more than 9 billion pesos.

The EU and Cuba close the trade chapter in the sixth round of negotiations

Brussels. The European Union (EU) and Cuba closed the economic and trade chapter during the sixth round of negotiations and virtually ended the party on cooperation and dialogue, today announced the Deputy Foreign Minister of Cuba, Abelardo Moreno Fernández.

"We have made substantial progress towards the conclusion of the agreement" of political dialogue and cooperation between the parties, Moreno Fernandez said at a press conference at the end of two days of talks in Brussels.

Business sector decreased approval of President Medina management

Danilo Medina Sanchez y
Dominican business sector decreased considerably approval to the administration of President Danilo Medina, reaching only 43.4% of the appreciation of entrepreneurs, compared to 71.9% in previous studies thrown.
The data is contained in the seventh edition of the Business Barometer Survey, Deloitte, which indicated 71.9% of popularity that Medina had previously verified in a survey conducted by the same firm in May this year.
In the detailed results, the polling also states that 39.8% of employers are indifferent to the management of the Head of State, because they do not approve or disapprove of the management (18.8% in May 2015).
He adds that 16.8% expressed no discharge to Medina, while the data from the previous survey only 9.3% disapproved of his administration.
In this study 85 executives of companies operating in the country, with annual turnover more than 10 million were consulted, according to the last fiscal year.
Reportedly, was held from September 28 to October 30, 2015, and participating companies belong to the manufacturing, financial services, consumer goods, real estate, energy and natural resources.
Also laboratories and healthcare companies, logistics, ports and shipping, technology, media and telecommunications, and other services.

Puerto Rico to the US for help against financial crisis

Alejandro Garcia Padilla Gob
San Juan Puerto Rico. - Puerto Rico on Tuesday prevented a default of several million dollars to announce at the last minute a payment bond, but warned that a worsened financial crisis has forced the government to divert money that would be used for future debt payments In order to avoid a paralysis of basic services.

The announcement of the Government Development Bank for Puerto Rico while the governor was Alejandro García Padilla testified at a hearing before the Committee on Legal Affairs of the US Senate that the island was facing a liquidity crisis.

"Let's be clear: we no longer is effective," he said. "This is a distress call from a ship 3.5 million Americans who have been lost at sea." Garcia signed an executive order allowing the Treasury to retain certain revenues island several pubic agencies to pay the debt of 72,000 million dollars and ensure continuity of essential services, including health, education and public safety.

Officials said they expected to be diverted to $ 329 million until June to pay the debt. Melba Acosta, president of the Development Bank, said most of the agencies whose income is being diverted continue to have sufficient funds to cover other upcoming debt payments.

Among the agencies affected are the heavily indebted Highway and Transportation Authority, the Authority Infrastructure Financing and the Metropolitan Bus Authority.

"We hope that today serves as a clear indication that we intend to fulfill our obligations to the extent possible without disrupting essential services," Acosta said. However, the overall fiscal position of Puerto Rico "remains weak".

Acosta said authorities will continue to meet with creditors to discuss restructure a portion of 72.000 million debt of the island that the governor says it is priceless.

Cesar Miranda, secretary of Justice of Puerto Rico, admitted that some might see as far Puerto Rico as a technical breach of payments, since the government is diverting money for future scheduled bond payments.

In Tuesday's hearing in the commission of the US Senate, some senators warned that Puerto Rico needs to take concrete steps to organize your finances.

"The financial somersaults and stunts must end," said Sen. Richard Blumenthal. Garcia's government is seeking access to Chapter 9 bankruptcy law as the battle island out of nearly a decade of recession. Victor Suarez, Secretary of State of Puerto Rico, said the island is running out of options to generate money and meet its debt payments if the US Congress does not allow the process of bankruptcy protection.

"If you fall in missed payments, have catastrophic consequences," he added. The Obama administration proposed a plan to help the island, but Republicans in Congress said they want to attack first the causes of the crisis and see more data on the financial status of Puerto Rico.

"Merely extend the authority to restructure the debt, without the tools to address the root causes of the fiscal problem, it is not a long term solution to help Puerto Rico," said the head of the Legal Affairs Committee, Republican Charles Grassley

Labour Ministers in Mexico looking to boost America 'decent work'

Trabajo decente IM
México.- Ministers Working America will meet this Thursday and Friday in Cancun, in southeastern Mexico, to define priorities in labor issues in the hemisphere and promoting the "decent work", reported the Organization of American States (OAS).

The XIX Inter-American Conference of Labor Ministers of the Americas (ITTA) will bring "to the highest authorities and industry representatives to discuss and make decisions regarding the priorities and actions to be taken at the hemispheric level," he explained in a statement.

Under the theme "Building decent work with social inclusion and sustainable development in the Americas", participants discussed topics such as education and work, employment equity and inclusion, labor migration and hemispheric cooperation for strengthening labor ministries.

The conference is expected to conclude with the adoption of the Declaration and Plan of Action of Cancun, containing new hemispheric consensus on priorities and actions to take on labor and employment in the region, the OAS said.

The opening session will be attended by the Minister of Labour of Colombia and President of the XVIII IACML, Luis Eduardo Garzon, and the Regional Director for the Americas of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), Jose Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs.

Also the Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare of Mexico, Alfonso Navarrete, and the Executive Secretary for Integral Development of the OAS, Neil Parsan. In parallel, they will also meet employers' organizations in the framework of the Business Technical Advisory Committee on Labor Matters (CEATAL) and the Trade Union Technical Advisory Council (COSATE), both advisory bodies of the CIMT.

According to the Secretariat of the Mexican Labor, have confirmed their attendance of the ministers of Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, United States, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Lucia, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela.

The purpose of the meeting, he said, is the consolidation and development of public policies that "facilitate the construction of a decent job with equity, social inclusion and sustainable development."

Since 1963, labor ministers of member countries meet every two years to review the situation in the hemisphere and policy of regional cooperation in labor and social policy. During the XVIII IACML held in Medellin, Colombia, in November 2013, the Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare of Mexico, Alfonso Navarrete Prida, was unanimously elected President Pro Tempore of CIMT XIX.

Public Works closed tunnel Americas and high of February 27

Tunel de Las Americas 7t
The Ministry of Public Works reported that close on Wednesday, from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am on Thursday, the tunnel Avenida Las Americas, in both directions, and the high of February 27th avenue in East-West direction.

A press release from the institution explains that the work done in the tunnel of the Americas consist of painting walls type "New Jersey", removal of paint and stains on ceramic coating, solid waste collection, sweeping and collection of aggregates and environmental cleanup.

While the activity performed in February 27th Avenue merely change paint on the walls like "New Jersey".

Former Director Migration RD warns risk for terrorism if it declares war on Islamic

The former Director General of Migration Jose Ricardo Taveras warned before more than 400 notaries that the Dominican Republic is at risk of being targeted by terrorist attacks, as happened in France, if the Dominican government access to pressure from the United States to declare him the war on the Islamic State (ISIS).

The also general secretary of the Progressive National Force delivered the lecture "The notary and its challenges in an electronic world" at the First National Congress of the Dominican Notaries, sponsored by the Dominican College of Notaries, under the theme "Biometrics, non-contentious matters and digital signature ".

In this event, which takes place from Tuesday to Thursday in the Lina hotel, exposed ten Dominican specialists and 13 representatives from Puerto Rico, Colombia, Argentina, Peru, France and Spain.

The lawyer explained that Taveras is not advisable to adopt a state policy that encourages the Syrian emigration for reasons of national security and the hiperpoblación of Hispaniola.

He said that the Dominican Republic is obliged to accept the Syrian citizens who request refuge in our territory, and who meet the conditions established by the International Convention governing the status of refugees, and which is a signatory.

He noted that Isis is not a regular army or a nation-state, but a group of theocratic foundations that is present in all parts of the world, a large Muslim community resides in Haiti and that "it is not excluded that eventually" could be occasional cell at least in Hispaniola. "

He noted that the mentioned declaration of war on the Islamic State by the Dominican government would be a violation of the Constitution of the Republic, Article 3, states that "the principle of non-intervention constitutes an invariable rule of Dominican international policy."

Former Director of Immigration said it would be a grave mistake of the Dominican government to send troops to Syria that, in his opinion, are not necessary because France, Russia and the US have carried out repeated air strikes and there will be no displacement of infantry.

He explained that, in addition, the Dominican Republic lacks resources and operational capacity to deal with possible terrorist attacks, and to send troops to Syria or declare war on Isis would "put our country on the route of attacks, as happened in France following the displacement of Charle de Gaulle aircraft carrier in the theater of operations of Isis. "

The licensed Taveras said the US pressure "is unacceptable and that the Dominican government which is sponsoring a dialogue should resolve the problems of the Middle East, in a context of historical justice.

The US pressure for declaratory war was denounced today by journalist Julio Martínez Pozo on Sun morning program, which is produced by the station Sol 106.5.

The First Congress of the Dominican School of Notaries was opened on Tuesday with a speech by its president Pedro Rodriguez Montero and a conference on "The role of the notary in biometrics", led by Alvaro Rojas Charry, president of the Commission of American Affairs (CAA) of the International Union of Latin Notaries and president of the Union of Notaries Collegiate

La oposición venezolana ve en legislativas el inicio del fin del chavismo The Venezuelan opposition in legislative see the beginning of the end of Chavez

Caracas. After a campaign marked by polarization and violence, the Venezuelan opposition sees Sunday's legislative elections as an opportunity to pave the way towards ending 16 years of socialism boliviariano launched by the late president Hugo Chavez in 1999.

The assassination of opposition Luis Manuel Diaz, as well as other acts of violence reported by the Bureau of Democratic Unity (MUD), has withdrawn the opposition to indoors and protected in the final stretch of the campaign, when he started in the streets and squares with messages face to face.

The shooting death of Diaz, a local leader of Democratic Action (part of MUD), at the end of a rally, was a turning point in the campaign, as the opposition blamed the ruling crime. Lilian Tintori, wife of jailed Leopoldo Lopez and the media image of the opposition in this campaign, was in the act and denounced criminals seeking to kill her.

MUD spokesman, Jesus Torrealba, stressed that the country is "tired of attacks and threats", convinced that the government's strategy "is to put fear" because they could lose the majority of the 167 seats in the National Assembly are at stake. To take power from Chavez, led since the death of Hugo Chavez in 2013 by Nicolas Maduro, the opposition has sought the vote "house to house" it was impossible to compete with the "hegemony" in terms of media and propaganda that has, according to the MUD, the Government of Maduro. Opponents have warned that if they win a majority in the Assembly and the ministers will monitor whether to remove appointed officials allegedly irregularly. They will also promote an amnesty law and reconciliation to release what they call "political prisoners", including Lopez himself and the mayor of Caracas, Antonio Ledezma.

Buoyed by polls and aware that a difference in votes does not have to make a difference in deputies, the opposition has urged citizens to vote massively.

Amarante Baret: "Since the school is laying the foundations of a new country"

Ministro de Educación, Carlos Amarante Baret.
The Minister of Education, Mr. Carlos Amarante Baret, proclaimed that the delivery of 4 percent of GDP to education, resized and revalued the Dominican school, where they are laying the foundations for a new country.

"This new country is being forged which must be forged, in schools, in the classrooms; the transformation of education will have to serve as the basis for this new country, because the real revolution is occurring in schools, "he said.

He said that when planted in the children from school, it germinates in this new type of society we all want, "but many items can not make that leap. So we must go to school, where boys and girls can and should receive a comprehensive education that prepares them for life and for that better country we all want "are.

The Minister of Education said that the Extended School Day is the paradigm of the revolution that takes place from classrooms and schools.

He said that this model seeks to overcome the serious deficiencies which for years have affected the Dominican school of traditional two rounds, "deficiencies that also affect our universities." He stressed that the current curriculum, which is subject to major revisions, in force since 1993-1994, when it was approved the first Ten-Year Plan.

He said that with the two and a half hours taught in primary and three secondary level, the curriculum is not completed within the year, for a minimum of five hours of teaching at the Basic level is needed, and six hours in the medium level.

He stressed that the Extended School Day has an enrollment of 837,000 students expected to complete one million students benefited by the end of the month of December, with the coming into operation of new schools will be opened by President Danilo Medina. The goal is that by the end of 2016, 80% of schools are under this educational model.

Amarante Baret considered the Extended School Day is a leap in the quality of life of Dominicans, and that about 830 000 children eat daily in schools which is a great saving for their parents.

He said that this educational model also ensures that children and young people can receive 40 hours a week of teaching, as required by the school curriculum.

"It's eight hours of classes daily, which are divided into 36 hours of effective teaching and 4 hours a week that schools can use to implement workshops in dance, music, sports, implementation and reinforcement of ICT in curriculum areas such as mathematics and Spanish language. "

He said 79,000 teachers working in public schools and that the Ministry of Education through the National Institute of Education and Training of Teachers (INAFOCAM) works continuously in the training of teachers.

"We in this transformation are you integrating all universities to redesign their academic offerings in terms of teacher training, in order to improve the quality of training of graduates of career education," he said.

School Construction

When questioned about the construction of school buildings, Carlos Amarante Baret said that to date the Ministry of Education has paid the sum of 56 billion pesos in takeoffs.

Interviewed in the program The Evening government warned that school buildings is a program that includes thousands of young engineers around the country.

"The Education takeoffs coming to us we pay. People condemns the fact that some want to spend ready in the process of generating a scaling, but people know that competitions for the distribution of the works are totally transparent. "

42 lit trees against corruption

Poder Ciudadano movement announced Wednesday that due to the holiday season and continue peaceful protests to demand corruption currently living nation, turn the so-called "Arbolito Corruption".

"Not long now to turn the 42 # ArbolitoDeCorrupción. Acompañano ". So motivated today through social networks to citizenship, the group of activist every Wednesday leading a human chain in front facilities Office Supervising Engineers of State (OISOE), rejecting the facts of corruption and embezzlement fund that has been the entity and other state.

PoderCiudadanoRD Twitter account, he presented a post with a map detailing the 42 locations where it will be installed "Arbolito Corruption" as a call for President Danilo Medina sanction officials involved in wrongdoing.

In another of its publications, the group of revolutionaries called the country to join hands to achieve Dominican Republic without corruption.

Meanwhile, the suicide of an architect in a bathroom of the building (OISOE) last Friday 25 September, which left a note specifying the alleged details of his death, was the reason that sparked questions from corrupt practices that periodically running on this public institution.